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    Late Fall/Winter Hunting Seasons

    Any time of year’s a good time to hunt in Oklahoma as long as you know what season it is, and there are plenty of seasons that run from late October(around October 25)to March with others that started earlier and are still going during this period.

    Seasons starting in late October or earlier

    Bow hunters will have plenty of time during archery seasons for deer, elk and turkeys, which start on October 1 and go all the way to January 15. If you’re going for elk, keep in mind that this is only open until quotas are met in each of Oklahoma’s seven elk hunting zones. Another season that starts early is rabbit season, which goes all the way to March 15.

    Muzzleloader seasons for bears, deer and elk go from October 25-November 2. In open elk zones, you’re only allowed to hunt on private lands while bear season is only open until each county’s quota is met. You can also hunt antlerless deer in each zone.

    And other seasons that started earlier are still going. Squirrel season runs from mid-May all the way to January 31 while fall dove season runs from September 1-October 31.

    Seasons starting in November

    The major gun seasons start in November with fall gun turkey season going from November 1-21 in open counties. Quail season starts on the 8th and runs until February 15, and gun season for deer and elk runs from November 22-December 7. Like muzzleloader season, antlerless days for deer vary in each zone.

    Seasons starting in December

    December 1 is the beginning of pheasant season in Oklahoma, and it lasts until January 31 in open counties. Antlerless gun seasons for both elk and deer run between December 19-28 in open counties, and winter dove season runs from December 20-28. Like the muzzleloader and gun seasons, elk hunting is only permitted on private property in open zones. Deer hunting is permitted on public lands.

    With all you can hunt in late autumn and winter, what’s holding you back? Head out there and bag the trophy of your life! Call 918.633.4589 today!