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    Have a Membership in the Oklahoma Hunt Club?

    Membership Advantages

    Having a membership at Oklahoma Hunt Club has advantages. Instead of having to pay upwards of $200,000 for private hunting property, the Hunt Club membership is less than three percent of a down payment on a $600,000 property. The Oklahoma Hunt Club also helps to avoid poaching by having its caretakers at the very least monitor the grounds on a day-by-day basis. They encourage every member to help keep a look out for poaching activity too.

    The Club also allows members to bring guests in. One guest is free; however, waterfowl, upland and predator hunting means a fee for the guests.

    Can’t Hunt? Moving?

    If a member can’t hunt on the property they have reserved at the club, the club asks them to remove the dates as soon as they possibly can. This allows others who may have wanted to hunt on that piece of the club on that day to have another shot at hunting there.

    However, if a member can’t hunt or has decided to move away, the fees and dues are non-refundable. This is agreed upon when the member decides to become a member.

    Another option if a member is moving or cannot hunt due to something else but has a relative that lives nearby who wants to hunt at the Oklahoma Hunt Club, the member can transfer the fees. This can be done at no extra cost to the member, but they must transfer the fees to a relative. Fees then become the responsibility of the relative, whether they hunt on the property or not.

    This is advantageous to the members, particularly if they are moving and don’t know anyone else with a membership. While they don’t have to worry about paying a fee for a club they may not be able to visit as often, they also don’t have to worry about finding someone to go with when they do plan to go. The relative that is now paying the fee is responsible for the fee, and all the original member has to do is pay the guest fee (which can be saved up ahead of time if they know they’re going to be hunting on X day).

    Contact the Oklahoma Hunt Club if you have any questions.